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The Lacanian Review No 15: “Cut” – ספרות מקצועית

The Lacanian Review (TLR), Hurly-Burly is published by the New Lacanian School (NLS) and World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP).

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The Lacanian Review No 15: “Cut” – ספרות מקצועית

In my Rapid Eye Movement sleep, I dreamt the song lyrics: It’s the end of the world as we know it . . . It’s the end of the world as we know it . . . and I feel fine.

What is the status of the world today? Doomed? Or is everything just fine? Although The Lacanian Review 15 was brought out by the climate crisis as a particular paradigm or symptom of discontent in the world today, we also examine various other forms of twenty-first century anxiety and malaise.

Amidst utopian fantasies, ideals of progress, war, discourses of catastrophe and impending doom, and fictions of the end of the world, what is the place of psychoanalysis? Within those, perhaps all we can do is make a cut. Hence, the title for TLR 15: “Cut.” Short and simple, to function as a cut in itself.

Inherent in the image of the globe is an imaginary form of wholeness, and yet various events and contingencies puncture that belief in the bubble, in particular, the climate crisis. Insofar as the world is constructed—“this world that is but a dream of each body,” Jacques Lacan says—cuts can perforate the imaginary, perhaps just enough to allow us to see that the world is always only ever, as the R.E.M. song says:

. . . the world as we know it . . .

Inevitably, any attempt to make a world confronts us with waste. Lacan’s equivoque im-monde has contemporary resonance: the world (monde) is polluted (immonde). From the letter as waste or remainder, outside of meaning, to waste as a form of the real in the twenty-first century . . . We explore the complexity of waste: the risks of a subject identified with waste, and yet the potential of this very thing—finding a way to do something with, and even, as Jacques-Alain Miller proposes, elevate to the dignity of a practice, this waste object.

Lacanian cuts are distinctive. And they can be on the side of life. Stemming from the desire of the analyst and through a horticulture of analytic action, rooted in an ethics, cuts can be life-generating. It is perhaps ironic that precisely by way of demonstrating the very impossibility of living, psychoanalysis can also make it possible to find a way to make the world—each one’s singular world—a bit more livable.

Cristina Rose Moro, Managing Editor



Cyrus Saint Amand Poliakoff, What Works is the World

Cristina Rose Moro, Cut


Death Dream

Jacques Lacan, Improvisation désir de mort, rêve et réveil

Jacques Lacan, Improvisation: Desire for Death, Dream and Awakening


Jacques-Alain Miller, L’amour du prochain Saint Martin et Salomon

Jacques-Alain Miller, The Love of One’s Neighbor, Saint Martin and Solomon

Jacques-Alain Miller, Conspiracy



Guy Briole, The Dignity of Waste

Éric LaurentClimate Catastrophe, the Anxiety of Scientist Scholars and the Anxiety That is Ours

Geert Hoornaert, Residual, You Say?

Jacques-Alain Miller, Some Remarks on Climate Catastrophe

Guy Briole, The Inexorable Logic of War

Jacques-Alain Miller, Some Remarks on the Logic of War


Civilization and Anxiety

Daniel Roy, Anxiety and Treatment

Patricia Bosquin-Caroz, Believing in It

Réginald Blanchet, Living in Catastrophe

Katty Langelez-Stevens, Conspiracy Theories: Holding On to the Compass of the Real

Neus Carbonell, Being a Body, Being a Symptom

Jacques-Alain Miller, Some Remarks on Being a Body



Natalie Wülfing, Making a World

Luc GarciaCO2 Mon Amour

Dominique Rudaz, Is Bitcoin for Real?


Nature / Cut

Robert Buck, Nature / Cut

Donald Moffett, Artist Folio

Jim and Lucia LaVilla-Havelin, Dear René

Paulina Pobocha, Donald Moffett + Nature Cult + The McNay

Jeff Goodell, Why We Love Our Oak Tree

Eileen Myles, RE: Tree Canopy

Marlene McCarty, Earth Life

Grant Worth, Heirloom Mixtape

James Corwell, Exploring the Future of Food: A Global Perspective on the Grapes of Wrath

Rachel Monroe, Ghost Variation

Pete Dandridge, Flight

Suzanne Weaver, The Future Is Undecided

Brett Story, Canary on the Skull

Hannah Fenster, Assertive, but Full of Holes

Lidia Yuknavitch, Neuron

Tenzin Robert Thurman, The Nature Cult Picnic of Donald Moffett

Luna and Coyote, Welaunee Is Our Nature-Cult

Elizabeth Rogers, Open

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The Lacanian Review No 14: “On Repeat” – ספרות מקצועית Thu, 10 Aug 2023 07:54:27 +0000 GIEP-NLS | ג'יאפ נלס
The Lacanian Review No 14: “On Repeat” – ספרות מקצועית

The Lacanian Review (TLR), Hurly-Burly is published by the New Lacanian School (NLS) and World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP).

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The Lacanian Review No 14: “On Repeat” – ספרות מקצועית

Fall 2018


Do you find yourself re-reading the same sentence? Over and over again. Still not understanding it yet continuing to stare at the words that don’t make sense. Ever managed to get lemon juice in your paper cut, that same paper cut you got from re-reading the page that wouldn’t turn? What about listening to that one track on repeat for hours after your girlfriend left you. . . Oops, I did it again. . . she said something about always ending up in the same toxic relationship pattern. So many efforts to give it one more try, just one more drink, a fresh name for that incomprehensible mess you stepped into. First time was an accident, the third time a symptom? How is consistency born of a contingency that can only be deduced by its traces?

Sigmund Freud detected the essential nature of repetition in psychoanalysis. Jacques Lacan advanced that concept several times over, zeroing in on jouissance at its core. With the developments of Jacques-Alain Miller, we can read the Freudian clues of fixation with the real that Lacan left us, the one that always returns to the same place, and with another stroke, the real he called lawless. For the 14th volume of The Lacanian Review, we wade into the intimate, yet alien, murky residue of fixation and its repetitions in the speaking body. We investigate what can be done with the jouissance which “remains unsocializable,” as J.-A. Miller formulates it. The fingerprint of enjoyment, the signature of a trauma, an encounter that leaves a mark where the sense is always missing. Repetition is something old, but also something new, something borrowed. Fixation, it turns out, is only you.

Cyrus Saint Amand Poliakoff



Cyrus Saint Amand Poliakoff, On Repeat

The Navel of the Dream is a Hole

Jacques Lacan, À propos de la réponse de Jacques Lacan à Marcel Ritter

Jacques Lacan, Jacques Lacan Responds to a Question from Marcel Ritter

Unsocializable Residue

Jacques-Alain Miller, Le salut par les déchets

Jacques-Alain Miller, Salvation Through Waste

Fixation. . .

Els Van Compernolle, Between Fixation and Fiction

Christiane Alberti, Variations Around the School One

. . . & Repetition

René Raggenbass, “We Speak All Alone. . .”

Alexandre Stevens, Fixation & Repetition

The Pass in the School

Jorge Assef, Lacan’s Wager

Florencia F.C. Shanahan, TBC: A Topological Riddle

Dossia Avdelidi, The Psychoanalyst is Not Alone

The Physics of Change

Andrew Zwicker & Cristina Rose Laurita, Plasma Doesn’t Know

Psychoanalysis in Times of War

Daniel Roy, Preamble

Yuri Volnykh, Coming Together

Mikaël Strakhov, A Tearing Open

Olena Samoilova, A Failed Effort

Gleb Napreenko, At the End of Conformism

Alexandre Fedchuk, A Space for the Analytic Discourse

Inga Metreveli, Of Propaganda

Nikita Moshkin, Finding the Compass

Ève Miller-Rose, Punctuation

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The Lacanian Review: Issue 6: Urgent! / ספרות מקצועית Sat, 14 Jan 2023 15:47:54 +0000 GIEP-NLS | ג'יאפ נלס
The Lacanian Review: Issue 6: Urgent! / ספרות מקצועית

The Lacanian Review (TLR), Hurly-Burly is published by the New Lacanian School (NLS) and World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP).

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The Lacanian Review: Issue 6: Urgent! / ספרות מקצועית

Fall 2018


With a series of exceptionally new translations of Jacques Lacan and Jacques-Alain Miller, The Lacanian Review takes you into the space of the real unconscious and the last teachings of Lacan reinterpreted to approach the urgency of our contemporary moment.


There is not a moment to lose. The acceleration of culture and the vertiginous pressure of the drive seem to collapse the instant to see, the time to understand and the moment to conclude. The urgent subject of the now cannot catch up to rapid cycles of political upheaval and social media streams turned into torrents of data. Production overflows consumption in a tidal wave of imaginary cacophony. How does psychoanalysis today respond to urgent times?

For its 6th issue, The Lacanian Review (TLR) tasks the signifier, Urgent!, to orient the work of the New Lacanian School (NLS) in examining the urgent cases that occupy our clinic in preparation for the 2019 NLS Congress in Tel Aviv: ¡URGENT!


Tracing the edge of the latest Lacan, Bernard Seynhaeve (President of the NLS) curated a series of newly established texts by Jacques Lacan and Jacques-Alain Miller, translated by Russell Grigg, appearing in the first ever bilingual featured section of TLR. Four lessons from the seminars of Jacques-Alain Miller frame this issue.

TLR 6 draws heavily from the work of the current Analysts of the School to explore four new fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis: Pass, Real Unconscious, Urgent Cases, and Satisfaction. Interviews with Angelina Harari (President of the WAP), Ricardo Seldes (Director of Pausa), and Lee Edelman (Professor of English Literature at Tufts University) elaborate fundamental concepts across the work of the School One, the clinic of applied analysis, and literary theory in dialogue with psychoanalysis. A groundbreaking orientation text by Éric Laurent from the 2018 Congress of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP) will be published for the first time in English, along with clinical cases exploring transference and psychosis. And finally, approaching the problem of temporality in psychoanalysis, this issue spans Freudian time-management to the logic of the cut in the Lacanian Orientation.



Marie-Hélène Brousse & Cyrus Saint Amand Poliakoff






Jacques LACAN,

      Preface to the English Edition of Seminar XI

Préface à l’édition anglaise du Séminaire XI

Jacques-Alain MILLER,

      The Real Unconscious

L’inconscient réel

Lee Edelman & Alicia Arenas, Psychoanalysis and Urgency: A Dialogue



Jacques-Alain MILLER,

     The esp Of A Lapsus

L’esp d’un lapsus

Jacques-Alain MILLER,

      The esp Of A Hallucination

L’esp d’une hallucination

Sonia Chiriaco, A Discreet Suture

Marina Frangiadaki, A Nomination Faced with the Real of the Body

Carolina Koretzky, From Indecision to In-Between



Jacques-Alain MILLER,

      The Speaking Being and the Pass

La passe du parlêtre

Luis Erneta, Satisfaction in the “Preface”

Domenico Cosenza, Urgency and the Fall During Analysis

Patricia Tassara Zárate, From the Urgency of an Anxiety to the Urgency of a Satisfaction’s Bien-Dire

Laurent Dupont, The Urgency of the Analyst/Analysand

Maria Josefina Sota Fuentes, In Time

Anne Béraud, Different Urgencies



Éric Laurent, Disruption of Jouissance in the Madnesses Under Transference

Véronique Voruz, Psychoanalysis: A Delusion not like the Others?

Véronique Voruz, Suggestion, Awakening, Dupery

Dominique Holvoet, Another Relation to the Real

Caroline Doucet, Fate of the Too-much in the Outrepass

Bénédicte Jullien, An Intermittent Solitude



Laura Sokolowsky, The Times of Analysis and its Real

Pascale Fari, The Cut and the Real of Time

Frank Rollier, The Cartel’s Urgency

Malka Shein, Two Comments on a Cartel

Nancy Gillespie, Resonance and the Difference Between Polysemy and the Equivoque

Shlomo Lieber, One (Un) Case

Serge Cottet, Side-track: Back to School



Angelina Harari, The Not-All Interview

Jorge Assef, The Push to Hypervelocity

Ricardo Seldes, PAUSA

Robert Buck, Pay Attention Mother Fuckers

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The Lacanian Review: Issue 5: The delights of the ego / ספרות מקצועית Sat, 14 Jan 2023 15:44:38 +0000 GIEP-NLS | ג'יאפ נלס
The Lacanian Review: Issue 5: The delights of the ego / ספרות מקצועית

The Lacanian Review (TLR), Hurly-Burly is published by the New Lacanian School (NLS) and World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP).

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The Lacanian Review: Issue 5: The delights of the ego / ספרות מקצועית

Summer 2018

Punch line

Amazing! Freud’s good old Ego has become the star of the net: a symptom of our times, as Lacan anticipated. Ego as symptom, delights of the ego, ego at the end of analysis… with the compass of Lacan’s « Joyce-the-Symptom », these readings are necessary in a chaotic world where the Ego is campaigning to replace the Father.


It is amazing!

First, because of its theme: the EGO, the self. Yes, you’ve read correctly! The good old Ego, which we got from Freud but which has become the star of our modernity. From selfies to social networks, it’s holding forth, babbling on. It « expresses » itself unashamedly, without compunction. It opines, judges, without ever stopping watching: in short, it’s become a symptom, which is what Lacan had anticipated in his Seminar XXIII by means of his clinical approach of the work of Joyce.

Second, because of its contents. TLR 5 includes Lacan’s conference « Joyce-the-Symptom », translated for the first time in English. With it, we publish the reading that Éric Laurent gave of it in Dublin, at the NLS Congress. And Ego-symptoms, Ego-delights, Ego at the end of analysis, without forgetting Lacanian Politics, which is more necessary than ever to orient ourselves in a chaotic world, in which the Ego is campaigning to replace the Father.

The Lacanian Review is the journal of the New Lacanian School and the World Association of Psychoanalysis.


Marie-Hélène Brousse, Delights of the Ego? tktk



Jacques Lacan, Joyce the Symptom

Éric Laurent, A Portrait of Joyce as a Saint Homme

Jacques Lacan, MIT Lecture on Topology



Jacques-Alain Miller, The Sovereign Image

Serge Cottet, Indelible Images Revisited

Jorge Assef, The Show of the Self in the Contemporary Symbolic Order



Christiane Alberti, Life Choice

Laurent Dupont, Solitude and Action

Jean-Daniel Matet, Chronicle of a Disaster Foretold: Psychiatry in Ruins

Gérard Wajcman, Getting Involved



Clotilde Leguil, ‘The First’



Lilia Mahjoub, WAP – Year Zero 2018 General Meeting



Thomas Svolos, Lacan in America




Maria Cristina Aguirre and Nancy Gillespie, Editorial: The Lacanian Compass

in the United States



Alicia Arenas, Theme

Lilia Mahjoub, Opening Remarks



Marie-Hélène Brousse, Democracies Without Fathers

Pierre-Gilles Guéguen, Me, Myself & I, That’s the Way the Song Goes


Domenico Cosenza, The Ego in Anorexia

Ellie Ragland, Nature Versus Nurture

Véronique Voruz, Love and the Ego



Marie-Hélène Brousse, The Consistency of the Imaginary: The Power of the Ego

Fabian Fajnwaks, The Triumph of Narcissism

Angelina Harari, “Be Yourself”: Delusion of Identity?



Jeff Erbe, Disappearing to Be Seen

Maria J. Lopez, The Case of “Me” Not a Zombie…

Cyrus Saint Amand Poliakoff, “Contouring”

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The Lacanian Review: Issue 3: Segregations / ספרות מקצועית Sat, 14 Jan 2023 15:23:59 +0000 GIEP-NLS | ג'יאפ נלס
The Lacanian Review: Issue 3: Segregations / ספרות מקצועית

The Lacanian Review (TLR), Hurly-Burly is published by the New Lacanian School (NLS) and World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP).

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The Lacanian Review: Issue 3: Segregations / ספרות מקצועית

Spring 2017

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The Lacanian Review: Issue 2: Sex all over the place / ספרות מקצועית Sat, 14 Jan 2023 15:19:54 +0000 GIEP-NLS | ג'יאפ נלס
The Lacanian Review: Issue 2: Sex all over the place / ספרות מקצועית

The Lacanian Review (TLR), Hurly-Burly is published by the New Lacanian School (NLS) and World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP).

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The Lacanian Review: Issue 2: Sex all over the place / ספרות מקצועית

Autumn 2016


Editorial  Véronique Voruz, Sex All Over The Place: “Fuck!”

Thematic section: SEX ALL OVER THE PLACE

Jacques-Alain Miller, Truth is Coupled with Meaning

The dialogue:  Jack Halberstam and Marie-Hélène Brousse, “Queering Psychoanalysis”


  • Pierre-Gilles Guéguen, Manipulation of the Imaginary in a Homosexual Couple
  • Paul Verhaeghe, The Scandal of Sex: We Hate the One We Love

Pawned Fantasies

  • Laurent Goumarre, Let’s Talk About Porn… To Camera
  • Gustavo Freda, The Scopic Emptiness of Pornography
  • Christiane Alberti, What Remains of Our Fantasies

Choosing Not To Choose

  • Jorge Assef, What Sexuation Can We Trust?
  • François Ansermet, To Choose One’s Sex: the Paradox of the Parlêtre
  • Pamela King, The Third Sex: an In-Between

Whither the Phallus?

  • Bruno de Halleux, Sexuality at the Time of the Speaking Body
  • Jacques-Alain Miller, A New Alliance with Jouissance

Formations of the Analyst


  • Éric Laurent, The Logic and Surprises of Supervision at the Time of the Parlêtre
  • Patrick Monribot, The Possibility of an Act

Reduction: Analysts of the School

  • Anne Lysy, “This is Not a Clinical Case”
  • Anna Aromí, The Fall of the Case
  • Marie-Hélène Brousse, On Pass Testimonies
  • Débora Rabinovich, My Bestiary
  • Luiz Fernando Carrijo Da Cunha, The Risk of an Invention
  • Ram Avraham Mandil, Making a Stepladder of the Sinthome
  • Jésus Santiago, The Speaking Being Beyond the Man/Woman Binary

Our Congresses

Clinical orientation

  • Miquel Bassols, Psychosis, Ordered Under Transference
  • Jean-Pierre Deffieux, Modes of Enjoyment, Time to Choose
  • Herbert Wachsberger, From the Enigmatic Experience to the Elementary Phenomenon
  • Claudia Iddan, Push-to-the-Man

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The Lacanian Review: Issue 1: Oh My God(s)! / ספרות מקצועית Sat, 14 Jan 2023 15:14:43 +0000 GIEP-NLS | ג'יאפ נלס
The Lacanian Review: Issue 1: Oh My God(s)! / ספרות מקצועית

The Lacanian Review (TLR), Hurly-Burly is published by the New Lacanian School (NLS) and World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP).

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GIEP-NLS | ג'יאפ נלס
The Lacanian Review: Issue 1: Oh My God(s)! / ספרות מקצועית

All over the world, religions have become a prominent topic causing pain, casualties and blood. What does psychoanalysis know about Gods? What can other forms of knowledge teach psychoanalysis about religions and their subjective manifestations, such as faith? What effects do scientific developments have on religions and beliefs? Is Science replacing belief with certainty? Conversations, articles, interviews are presented here to help clarify the modern mutations of religions and their subjective effects. A solid knowledge made out of the advances in different scientific fields.

The general conversation in The Lacanian Review is vital for the psychoanalysist to know “the whorl into which his era draws him in the ongoing enterprise of Babel”. And, today, the English language is a Babel all of its own.

OMG! All That New? Yes – Lacan keeps on being new, no matter how many times you read him. Opening this first issue you will discover:

* a newly translated text on religion by Lacan,

* two texts by Jacques-Alain Miller published here in English for the first time.

Editorial : Marie-Hélène Brousse

Thematic section: OH MY GODS! (OMGS)

  • Jacques Lacan, ‘Religions and the Real’
  • Marie-Hélène Brousse, ‘To Exorcise that Good Old God

The dialogue:

  • Diarmaid McCulloch and Denis Crouzet, ‘Religious Schisms Past and Present’

“Oh Ye of Little Faith!”

  • Jacques-Alain Miller, ‘The Logical and the Oracular’
  • Ron Naiweld, ‘What is a Culture Without Faith?’

Faith no more!

  • Tom Harding, ‘Negative Theology and Psychoanalysis’
  • Michael Barkun, ‘Trust No One’
  • Dalia Arpin, ‘A Fundamentally Unbelieving Time’
  • Ron Naiweld, Why I Love my Mother Tongue

Idol/Idle Worship

  • Elizabeth Stewart, ‘Michael Angelo’s Last Pieta: From Semblant to Sinthome’
  • Gérard Wajcman, ‘Innocent Images’

The God of Numbers

  • Jacques-Alain Miller, ‘Desire for Certainty: Descartes and the Order of Reasons’
  • Éric Laurent, ‘The Society of Digital Distrust’
  • Colin Wright, ‘The Tyranny of the Average’
  • Clotilde Leguil, ‘Cognitivism or the Language of the Man without Qualities’

“This is my body”

  • Miquel Bassols, ‘Ramon Llull’s Amancia: A Mysticism or a Science of Love?

Formations of the Analyst


  • Jacques-Alain Miller, Three Remarks on Supervision

Reduction: Analysts of the School

  • Danièle Lacadée-Labro, The Obscure Light
  • Jérôme Lecaux, You Can’t Read What You Have Written, But You Can Sign Off
  • Ana Aromí, Silent Storm
  • Marie Hélène Blancard, Crisis and the End of Analysis
  • Bruno de Halleux, A Fall

Our Congresses

Let’s Go! WAP/NLS

  • Éric Laurent, The Unconscious and the Body Event
  • Yves Vanderveken, Towards a Generalisation of the Clinic of Discreet Signs

Clinical work NLS Congress, Geneva

  • Claudia Iddan, The Point of Panic and the Malicious Other
  • Barbara Kowalów, In the Face of …., One is Entitled To
  • Ann Lysy and Florencia Shanahan, The Missing Partner
  • Luc Vander Vennet, The Body in the Analysand-Analyst … Couple

Published : 2016

Cover : Paperback

Pages : 224

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