“Ethics of psychoanalysis, which is the praxis of its theory”.
(The founding act, J.Lacan, 1964)
The Israeli Freudian Movement was founded in 1985. Certain events made our movement in to what we call nowadays, the GIEP.
The Giep is a member of the New Lacanian School, NLS, which is one of the seven schools of the World Association of Psychoanalysis, WAP. The formal languages of the School are French and English, but because the international community is multi language in its nature (Greece, Ireland, England, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Denmark, Portugal, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada and the United States) there is an “ingathering of the exiles” of languages.
“Lacan institutes a collective formation his first words are to dissociate, and bring forward the subjective loneliness, because it is a question with the Freudian School of Paris, of a collective formation which does not pretend to make subjective loneliness disappear, but which, on the contrary, founds itself upon it, manifests it, reveals it. It is the paradox of the School”. (Turin Theory, J.A.Miller)
We promote a broad variety of programs in the fields of teaching and transmitting the Lacanian orientation, relying on our desire and upon our working transference. In the heart of our discourse lies the question “how to teach what can not be taught“ (Lacan’s paradoxes).
The Giep is involved in constant psychoanalytical training of its members, touching upon the direction of the treatment and upon the reading of contemporary symptoms in our society, our civilization, with its discontents.
Members participate in a variety of activities : seminars, clinical presentations, cartels and keep a lively dialogue between the analytical and other discourses (science, politics, art)
We have an active library and we publish a journal named ‘et Lacan’, twice a year.
We invite anyone who has interest in the Lacanian orientation to join our activities.
Please contact us for any questions: giep.nls@gmail.com
Executive committee 2024—2026
Secretary – Tammy Weil tammy.weil@gmail.com
Vice-Secretary – Hamutal Shapira hamutalsh@gmail.com
Treasurer – Wardi Haj Nasrallah wardihaj@gmail.com
Cartels – Omri Ofek-Luzon igarath@gmail.com, Elena Belkova belkovaa@gmail.com
Mailbox – Hila Shamir-Sidi hilams@gmail.com
Website and Social Media – Daria Weinstein weinsteindv@gmail.com, Hamutal Shapira (consultant)
Library & Digital Library – Hila Shamir-Sidi hilams@gmail.com, Ilan Zilberstein ilanz4@yahoo.com
Schedule & Events – Liat Bergman liat.bergman@gmail.com, Elena Belkova belkovaa@gmail.com, Hamutal Shapira (consultant)
Audit Committee – Vera Elad, Malka Shei
Members of the Giep-NLS
AMIT SELBST Dafna daphna.amitselbst@gmail.com NLS
BASOK YISHAI yishaybasok@gmail.com
BAKSHI REVITAL pbrevital@gmail.com
BAUMAN Gina bauman2010@gmail.com
BERGMAN Liat liat.bergman@gmail.com
BERNAT Nathan natibernat@gmail.com
BELKOVA Elena belkovaa@gmail.com
BECKER Gideon beckerg05@gmail.com
BEN HAGAI KEREN keren.benhagai@gmail.com NLS
BENOZIO Ruth ruthbenozio@gmail.com NLS
BERGOVOY Diana dianabergovoy@gmail.com NLS
BERNAT NATI natibernat@gmail.com
BERNAT REVITAL revitalber@walla.com
BICHOVSKI Omri omri.bichovski@gmail.com NLS
BRUSKI Marcela Toflermar@gmail.com
CAROZ Gil gil.caroz@gmail.com NLS
DAHAN Gabriel gabidahan19@gmail.com NLS
EDELSTEIN Sari sariedelstein@012.net.il
ELAD Vera vera_elad@hotmail.com
ELBERBAUMYotvat yo1242@gmail.com NLS
FELD-GROAG Annette feld.ann1@gmail.com NLS
FLOMENBAUM Zully zuleflo@gmail.com NLS
FRIED Anat franat54@gmail.com NLS
GEFEN NOA noageffen@gmail.com
GILAT YARON yarong@hotmail.com
GRAIVER Mabel-Alicia mabelgraiver@gmail.com NLS
GUESSER Nehama h-n-g@smile.net.il
HAJ Wardi wardihaj@gmail.com
HAKLAI Avinoam avinoamhaklai@gmail.com
HARPAZ. BAROTH NOMI nomibaroth@gmail.com
IDDAN Claudia claiddan@gmail.com NLS
HULER Susana susanahlr@gmail.com NLS
KLUGMAN Amir amir.klugman@gmail.com
KUPERSHMIT AMIR amirkuper@gmail.com
KUKIERMANN Patricia cukiermanpatricia@gmail.com
LIEBER Shlomo lieber.shlomo@gmail.com NLS
MANOR Roni roni.manor@gmail.com
MAUAS Marco marco.mauas@gmail.com NLS
MIGLIN Perla perla.miglin@gmail.com NLS
MYSZKIN Sergio sergiomyszkin@gmail.com NLS
NASHILEVICHNetta netta.nash@gmail.com
NEMIROVSKY Samuel nmrvsky@yahoo.com NLS
NEUMANN Ziv ziv_neumann@yahoo.com
OFEK LUZON Omri igarath@gmail.com
PERY Tsipi tsipi.pery@mail.huji.ac.il
PORAT Hadar hadar.porat@gmail.com
RABIN Ilana Tova ilanarabin@gmail.com NLS
RYBNICKI Avi rybnicki.avi@gmail.com NLS
ROV Ilan ilan.rov@gmail.com
SBEIT Khalil khalilsbeit@gmail.com NLS
SHALIT-COHEN Liat liatschalit@gmail.com NLS
SHAMIR-SIDI HILA hilams@gmail.com
SHAPIRA Hamutal hamutalsh@gmail.com NLS
SHARON-ZISSER Shirley shirleyzisser@gmail.com NLS
SHEIN Avivit avivits@gmail.com
SHEIN Malka sheinmalka@gmail.com NLS
SHTENZLER MERAV meiravkuper@gmail.com
SINGER Liliana lili.rwm@gmail.com NLS
SOMMERFELD Eliane eliane@netvision.net.il
TOR ZILBERSTEIN Dana DanaTor87@gmail.com
WARSHAVSKY Rivka awarsha@netvision.net.il
WEINSTEIN Daria weinsteindv@gmail.com
WEINSTEIN Galia weinsteingalia@gmail.com NLS
WEIL Tammy tammy.weil@gmail.com NLS
WEISS Orit weiss95@gmail.com
YAKOBOWITZ Tamar tamary3@gmail.com
ZIFMAN Nessya nesyazi2@gmail.com NLS
ZILBERSTEIN Ilan ilanz4@yahoo.com
ZVILI-COHEN Sharon shzvili@gmail.com NLS