Psychoanalytical Notebooks: Issue 32, Lacanian Politics and the Impasses of Democracy Today / ספרות מקצועית


20 במלאי

The Psychoanalytical Notebooks is a journal which aims to reflect and develop the Lacanian orientation in the English-speaking world as well as demonstrate the continuing work of the London Society of the NLS. Each issue has been devoted to a specific theme. It opens with a lead article and is followed by commentaries and contributions from the members of the School and LS-NLS.

The Psychoanalytical Notebooks is a journal which aims to reflect and develop the Lacanian orientation in the English-speaking world as well as demonstrate the continuing work of the London Society of the NLS. Each issue has been devoted to a specific theme. It opens with a lead article and is followed by commentaries and contributions from the members of the School and LS-NLS.

Lacanian Politics and the Impasses of Democracy Today

Psychoanalytical Notebooks 32, 2018

Editorial, Bogdan Wolf

Orthodoxy and Heresy

Jacques-Alain Miller, Heretics

Domenico Cosenza, The Heretic and the Orthodox

Francesca Biagi-Chai, Choice and Its Logic in Civilisation

Laurent Dupont, Adolescent Heretics: Boy or Girl, The Hour of Choice

Paola Bolgiani, Letter to the Italian School of Psychoanalysis

The Foreigner and the Politics of Hatred

Lilia Mahjoub, Fear of the Other: Discourse or Segregation

Gil Caroz, Fear of the Stranger

Roger Litten, Hate Thy Neighbour

Agnès Aflalo, Ordinary Anti-Semitism

Anaëlle Lebovits-Quenehen, If the Migrants Still Look at Us…

Bogdan Wolf, Hatred as a Passion

Social Bond and Segregations

Éric Laurent, New Incarnations of the Desire for Democracy in Europe

Alfio Mastropaolo, Resolute Desires: For Democracy or for Something Else?

Christiane Alberti, There Is Nothing but the Social Bond

Stéphanie Morel, Why the Poor Vote for the Right

Philippe De Georges, On the One and the Multiple: The Republic Is Not Empire

Antoinette Rouvroy, Governing Without Norms: Algorithmic Governmentality

The Lures and Logic of Democracy

Gil Caroz, Why Does Politics Need to Be Enlightened by Psychoanalysis Today?

Bogdan Wolf, Brexit Democracy and Heresy

Roger Litten, Capitalist Democracy

Ellie Ragland, Jacques Lacan’s Capitalist Discourse

Janet Haney, Reading the Riot Acts

Decided Desires for Democracy

Éric Laurent, Decided Desires and Joyful Passions in Democracy

Poetry Rubric, Paul Ingram

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