Autumn 2016
Editorial Véronique Voruz, Sex All Over The Place: “Fuck!”
Thematic section: SEX ALL OVER THE PLACE
Jacques-Alain Miller, Truth is Coupled with Meaning
The dialogue: Jack Halberstam and Marie-Hélène Brousse, “Queering Psychoanalysis”
- Pierre-Gilles Guéguen, Manipulation of the Imaginary in a Homosexual Couple
- Paul Verhaeghe, The Scandal of Sex: We Hate the One We Love
Pawned Fantasies
- Laurent Goumarre, Let’s Talk About Porn… To Camera
- Gustavo Freda, The Scopic Emptiness of Pornography
- Christiane Alberti, What Remains of Our Fantasies
Choosing Not To Choose
- Jorge Assef, What Sexuation Can We Trust?
- François Ansermet, To Choose One’s Sex: the Paradox of the Parlêtre
- Pamela King, The Third Sex: an In-Between
Whither the Phallus?
- Bruno de Halleux, Sexuality at the Time of the Speaking Body
- Jacques-Alain Miller, A New Alliance with Jouissance
Formations of the Analyst
- Éric Laurent, The Logic and Surprises of Supervision at the Time of the Parlêtre
- Patrick Monribot, The Possibility of an Act
Reduction: Analysts of the School
- Anne Lysy, “This is Not a Clinical Case”
- Anna Aromí, The Fall of the Case
- Marie-Hélène Brousse, On Pass Testimonies
- Débora Rabinovich, My Bestiary
- Luiz Fernando Carrijo Da Cunha, The Risk of an Invention
- Ram Avraham Mandil, Making a Stepladder of the Sinthome
- Jésus Santiago, The Speaking Being Beyond the Man/Woman Binary
Our Congresses
Clinical orientation
- Miquel Bassols, Psychosis, Ordered Under Transference
- Jean-Pierre Deffieux, Modes of Enjoyment, Time to Choose
- Herbert Wachsberger, From the Enigmatic Experience to the Elementary Phenomenon
- Claudia Iddan, Push-to-the-Man